My Life As A Dreamer
"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."
- Mark Twain
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
My it HAS been a while.
Now I need to take some time for me and write again so that I can maintain some semblance of sanity.
Since writing last, I have gotten a new job in another state, moved, lost a house to hurricane Ike, gotten a new house in the new state, and so much more it been hard to keep up with everything that has happened.
My friends in Northern Indiana are getting pounded right now with a nasty blizzard. What fun it will be for them to have an unplanned day off as long as the juice doesn't go off like it did at my parents house in Kentucky last week.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Getting Ready
My flight into St Louis was rather special. A guy went into a diabetic seizure over Oklahoma. There were 2 docs on board and the airline has a pretty extensive emergency kit. They gave him a shot of glucose and he snapped out of it. Then about 60 miles out of St Louis we were struck by lightning and it knocks out most of the avionics apparently. We had to fly in circles for a while and then the tower eventually vectored us in because visibility was next to nothing. How exciting!
When we landed the EMT's were there to great us and took the diabetic guy out. It was kinfd of funny because he was the only guy that attracted my attention prior to boarding. He was wearing this weird blue dress shirt with a white collar. It just looked strange.
Well I'm off to check into the motel, shave and then come back downtown to meet a few people.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Thinking Back
1. Cinnamon Toast with lots of butter first.
2. Welch's Grape Juice
3. The Jetsons
4. My ultra cool VAROOM bike.
5. My WHAMO Blaster with the Gorilla target which lead to my next thought...
6. Magilla
7. The printing press I bought from my best friend - Greg Gallager
8. Kissing Sissy Eftinoff
9. The very creepy Wolf Mansion
10. My secret tree fort deep in the woods
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
My First Colonic Experience
First off let me say that my "back door" has never had it's hinges sprung and swung the other way. If you can imagine if a door had feelings, how uncomfortable this would be to the door - it was as well to me.

If you know how a colonic is done, then you are also aware that the "speculum" thing they "gently ease" into you is not that big. Only about as big around as an average index finger I would say. But fingers are kind of pointed and soft.
I've had the annual prostate exam, and it was just more of a "surprise!" feeling than uncomfortable. Plus, the doc only has his finger up there for a very short period as compared to the length of time this speculum thing makes it's home in your ass. Well, unless you have a doctor like my last exam doc who decided to give me a doctorate-like verbal thesis on the prostate and proceeded to use his inserted finger like a kid poking a turtle with a stick - pointing out what this lobe is, and that lobe. And why, if it were enlarged, it would put pressure here, and here, etc., etc., etc. Interesting maybe, interesting when you are the anatomically correct dummy... not so much.
Anyway, by the time I was 20 minutes into this procedure, I felt my sphincter cells merging with the plastic speculum. Yes, they were becoming one. I then envisioned myself having to design new cloths, furniture, etc., in order to accommodate this 4" plastic/flesh tube extending from my ass.
At some point I realized that the lady performing the procedure appeared to be having fun. So I asked her, "are you enjoying this?" She replied that she gets a certain feeling of satisfaction when she knows that she has "broken through" to blockages that caused me to be here. She said she knows that I'm going to start feeling better because she has been able to open me up. So now apparently, my body will be able process pre-poop (somewhere between Food and poop) as God intended.
So after about 45 minutes of this repeated fill and drain process she tells me she's done. I was somewhat relieved until I realized she was tugging at this tube that had merged with my anus like some sort of Jeff Goldblum experience in The Fly.
Other visions entered my mind like the time when I was just a kid, I saw our neighbor beating two dogs with a broomstick, that were for some reason hooked together and facing opposite directions. They screamed and howled and one began to run, dragging the other on the ground howling and screaming behind. Of course, a few years later I learned what it was that happened, and wondered if I was ever gonna get stuck like that. Well little did I know that I would, only not in as pleasurable a circumstance.
So now it's the following day, and I have to admit, after all the uncomfortable feelings and the embarrassment and the loss of my virginity and the loss of my conjoined plastic ass-tube, I feel good! - lighter, less bulky and bloated, my pants were looser and I have an excessive amount of gas that seems never ending. It's a good thing I work at home.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Media Brainwashing
I have researched the following statistics myself.
Using US DOJ Statistics -1960 – 2006 (latest statistics released by US Gov’t)
Vehicle Theft
Number of thefts have gone down consistently both in actual incidents and percentage of population
2006 thefts lowest since 1982
Larceny Theft
Number of thefts have gone down consistently both in actual incidents and percentage of population
2006 larceny thefts lowest since 1979
Number of burglaries have gone down consistently both in actual incidents and percentage of population
2006 burglaries lowest since 1969
Aggravated assaults
Number of assaults have gone down consistently both in actual incidents and percentage of population
2006 assaults lowest since 1987
Number of robberies have gone down consistently both in actual incidents and percentage of population
2006 robberies lowest since 1974
Forcible Rape
Number of rapes have gone down consistently both in actual incidents and percentage of population
2006 rapes lowest since 1987 and 1987 was lowest since 1973 (1 year spike)
Number of murders have gone down consistently both in actual incidents and percentage of population
2006 murders lowest since 1970
Number of property crimes have gone down consistently both in actual incidents and percentage of population
2006 property crimes lowest since 1974
Violent Crimes
Number of violent crimes have gone down consistently both in actual incidents and percentage of population
2006 violent crimes also lowest since 1974
Index (crimes per 1 million of population)
2006 – 3,808
Lowest index since 1969 – 3,680
Based on population,
Crime Rate for 2006 = 1.27
Crime Rate for 1969 = 1.82
Since 1969 the Crime Rate has dropped almost 31%