Monday, August 27, 2007

Coastal Insurance Sucks

Gosh it doesn't seem like it's been a week since I last blogged. Time flies when you are so busy doing nothing.

So not much has happened since we almost had to evacuate. Still a month or so till the end of hurricane season and Katrina and Rita did happen right about now, two years ago. Those poor people are still waiting for insurance payouts etc. The gov't ought told hold the stockholders and mgt of everyone of those insurance companies responsible and string em up by the shorthairs - whichever sex they might be, until they finish signing checks. I hate insurance companies for exactly this reason. They take and take and take but when it's their time to shell out they find every excuse in the book to screw their customers. I mean come on, when you go into big cities, some of the largest buildings and landmarks are insurance companies.

New York Life -

Nationwide Mutual -

Loyd's of London -

John Hancock -

Well, you get the picture. bastards. They build their 100 million dollar marble castles with our money that we trade for coverage if something unfortunate should happen to us and then spit on us when we ask for a check. Everyone of them who hasn't paid out on filed claims should lose their license to sell the worthless paper they peddle.

My rant for the day. Maybe tomorroworrow write down my thoughts regarding my other frustration of the day - condo developers and crap that many of them throw together and then sell at exorbexhorbidents and then claim none of the problems are theirs.

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