I just read a column in my local paper written by the above numbskull. I cannot believe that people actually feel this way about wiretapping terrorists. My brain is not even capable of understanding their thought processes. What the hell is wrong with you people? Don't you get it that we are at war? We are fighting an enemy that has no boundaries. They are worldwide and they are out to kill every American they can and they stoop to using mentally and physically disabled women and children to do this. If they aren't Americans then they should not have American rights, if they hate us then they actually hate what we stand for, not us personally, so why give them the rights that our own blood has been spilled for? If they are Americans, then they are traitors, and don't deserve nor are they afforded the same rights. Use your freaking heads people... If a terrorists gets into the country, go to any convenience store, buys a Trac phone and starts making his connections - is there time to get a warrant to be able to tap that call? By the time a warrant is signed the information that could have been used to thwart an attack has now been lost because you idiots want to give the asshole the same rights as you have as an American. Screw that.
I believe that our problem as an American public is that if you are younger than 65 you have never had to suffer for the rights you enjoy. Americans in general gave up MANY freedoms, many rights, and many daily needs we have taken for granted ever since. Ask your parents, grand parents or great grandparents about their lives during WWII. There was rationing of nearly everything we use in our daily lives. Shoes, food, metals, - even panty hose and nylons. If they had been as naive, pig-headed and ignorant as people like Jim Hightower, we might well be speaking german now or just recovering from the nuclear winter that was not long to follow if the war had gone on.
I welcome the gov't to monitor my phone calls if they think I'm going to take part in a terrorist activity. As a matter of fact I DEMAND as an American that they do so that we can be a safer community.
And lastly, you technology ignorant dorks that think that the gov't has someone sitting at a desk listening to every conversation happening... do the math. How many phone calls do you think are happening right now? Yup MILLIONS. Most people could only listen to one conversation at a time, so that means there are millions of people being paid to sit and listen. Now it doesn't make much sense does it? The fact is that the gov't when authorized, uses computers and software to listen for triggering elements in a conversation to identify those that might be suspect, then there is a whole process that must be gone through for a person to actually listen in. This will require a warrant and the President has done so in these cases. Not every wiretap has been without warrants nor will they be unwarranted in the future. Only certain calls will be able to be tapped without warrant.
Get a life Jim Hightower and stop the fear mongering you accuse others of. What? You don't use fear mongering to make your point? That's funny, because you sure scare the shit out of me.
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