Saturday, March 01, 2008

My wife and her self help books

My wife is reading yet another self help book. How many of these does one have to read before they start working to the readers satisfaction? I'm assuming she doesn't think they are working because she keeps reading more of them.

Is it that she is looking for the "process" that appears the easiest to live by? or that maybe she revels in her anguish or whatever it is she is trying to overcome?

I have read some of them and have gotten good things from most, but I don't see myself duplicating any life of any one of these authors. I take a little from here and a little from there. I guess that's what she is doing, but she's obsessive about it.

I try to tell her that life is what you make of it. 99% (IMHO) of your life is controlled by yourself. You can choose to enjoy it or you can choose to let drama, unhappiness and pain own you.

Forget about it, move on, and PURPOSELY enjoy the day.

I guess that's why they call me The Dreamer.

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